Malgudi, an imaginary town created by writer R K Narayan. All the stories and novels revolve around the town, the kabir street, market place etc...which gives reader a real sense of that place and it is very hard to believe its all pure imagination. My journey begin in malgudi around 8-9 years before but as not a voracious reader I take breaks while reading and some time it could be very long to resume my reading. My love for reading R K narayan's books developed after watching the series on TV as a child.
I still remember the scream Saamiiiii by a child which is part of the title song of that series and it is followed by la la la. I was a regular viewer of that series.
Then when I grew up, I started to buy books of R K Narayan, like most of us , I started with Sway and friends. Mot of the characters in that novel, reminded me as well as people around me. I was almost similar to swamy as a child, trying to invent new stories to avoid going to school, throwing my bag in the corner and creating a big fuss for even something which is of very least importance.
It gave me great pleasure in the reading the book. Then I remember reading tiger of malgudi, painter of signs , Malgudi days adventures , stories from malgudi.. I feel dumbstruck with the way the writer has handled the characters and describing each character in a most comprehensive way for the readers.
The last I was reading 'the Malgudi adventures', which is a collections of best episodes from the novels written by RK Narayan.
The writer proves his genius in each of his writing. My drive in Malhudi is always cherish able.