Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Naanum 'Aval"um

I do not have the habit of reading, the reason is I get bored, and I lack concentration in reading , but in recent past I developed this habit, rather an ‘affair’ .

The reading I mentioned is in English, but now I have developed this habit for Tamil as well. This all started after my marriage. My MIL buys Aval Vikatan ( a Tamil Magazine for Woman), I usually don’t pay much attention to Tamil magazines or books, I am ashamed to say this as my dad is a Tamil writer and is very passionate about this language, his passion for Tamil follows him everywhere, he does nt sacrifice his love for the language at any cost. ATM counters are also not spared, he chooses the language option as Tamil only and even if that option does nt work he will wait for few seconds for it to work and then he will proceed.
In my in laws place, my husband, parents in law are very strong in Tamil. Many times I try to avoid using difficult Tamil words, so that I don’t blabber and become a laughing stroke.
Though my dad buys Tamil Newspaper and some popular weekly magazines, I never used to pay attention to those journals other than the movie reviews and tit bit columns which always interest me. In my home, we also buy Tamil Newspaper and 3 to 4 weekly Tamil magazines. Among those, I started to pay attention to 'Aval Vikatan', the language was very easy for me to read and the style of writing impressed me. As usual I started with movie articles in the magazine and gradually started to read other articles as well. The magazine focused on various sectors which interest many readers, and I was one among them.

I realised one thing reading is enjoyable in any language.

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